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Stop Being Yourself to Sell More! Understanding Buyer Personalities for Sales Success

I want to challenge you with a bold idea: Stop being yourself. It might sound strange, but being yourself in sales could be hurting your business. Why? Because your natural selling style might not match the personality of the buyer you’re trying to connect with, and that mismatch could cost…

Why Cold Calling Stinks (And How to Make It Better)

Let’s face it—cold calling can feel like one of the most challenging and least rewarding parts of a salesperson’s job. Whether you’re a seasoned sales veteran or just starting, the truth is, cold calling often stinks. The good news? It doesn’t have to. In today’s digital age, we can flip…

Enhancing Your Sales Presentations: Key Strategies for Success with media sales training coach Ryan Dohrn

This week, we're focusing on putting some sparkle and shine on the presentations you make to your customers. This isn't a conversation about slide decks or how to use Zoom effectively. Instead, we're focusing on the three main components of every sales call that you need to polish to really…

Mastering Time Management for Better Sales Outcomes with Media Sales Training Coach Ryan Dohrn

Time management is a favorite topic of mine because mastering it can significantly impact your success in your sales life. Becoming a "ninja" of time is crucial as there's no way to get 25 hours in a day. Instead, you need to manipulate the time you have to achieve a…

Putting the Human Touch Back in Sales with Media Sales Training Coach Ryan Dohrn

What's going on, friends and fans? Ryan Dohrn here, your friendly neighborhood sales coach. Let’s focus on what I like to call "sales humanity." It's a topic of conversation that I've been having with my ad sales training coaching clients and during my speaking engagements. It seems that the human…

Unlocking the Power of Email Subject Lines: Insights from Sales Training Coach Ryan Dohrn

Hey there, friends and fans. This week, let's dive into the psychology of subject lines. You're probably intrigued by this topic, and rightly so. It's become one of the most popular videos I've ever produced. I am seeing open rates of 35 to 40% and reply rates of 25 to…