I am amazed at the number of veteran ad sales reps that never ever practice their trade in an effort to improve. Just imagine if Tiger Woods never practiced.
Would he still be great? Yes. But, would he still be the best in the world? Maybe. Maybe not. Why did Michael Jordan shoot hundreds of free throws each week? Why do the best actors in Hollywood have acting coaches? Being the best requires practice, mentoring and coaching.
Here are 10 ways to make practicing your ad sales pitch better.
- Practice makes perfect, but role playing often stinks. Role playing stinks when others make it a joke. It is not a joke and should never be treated as such. Start one on one in a private office and then move to group role play.
2. Create real scenarios when you practice not fictional idiots as advertisers.
3. Don’t leave out any steps of the sales meeting. If you find yourself saying blah-blah as a filler stop. This is a mini-play rehersal. Don’t skip anything. Rehearse for real.
4. Create a flow chart. Each step of the sales call has a purpose. Map it out and follow the map. Refer to my blog here called the 10 Minute Sales Call if you need a plan of attack or a road map.
5. Find a practice partner that you trust and will give you quality feedback.
6. Be prepared to flop. The first time you role play it stinks. In the first role play session I just walk through the steps in a robotic way. Get your feet under you.
7. Set a schedule of twice per week for the first two weeks, then once per week for the next 2 weeks. Then move to once per month. Don’t stop practicing.
8. As you role out new products, practice. If you have legacy products that you need to grow sales within, create practice around these legacy products.
9. Be prepared for the runaway client. In a role playing scenario your partner will normally not take you down odd rabbit holes like an advertiser might. So, build this type of behavior into your role play. Don’t be stupid or funny. Build in serious objections, u-turns, issues and road blocks that are applicable and real.
10. Be consistent and follow your notes. Don’t fly by the seat of your pants. Have notes you follow until you get it perfect.
BONUS TIP: Record the role play. Even a cheap recording can help you improve.
All in all, practice makes perfect if you make it perfect practice. Again, role playing stinks when others make it a joke. It is not a joke and should never be treated as such. Follow these tips above and reach out to me if you want a practice partner that takes role playing seriously.
Remember, if ad sales were easy everyone would be doing it.
Ad sales training classes are hosted monthly by Ryan Dohrn at https://360adsales.com
About this blogger: Ryan Dohrn is an award winning ad sales training coach, a nationally recognized internet sales consultant, international business speaker, IT Sales Training expert and is the President and founder of 360 Ad Sales Training, a boutique internet revenue consulting firm with a detailed focus on ad sales training, internet consulting and media revenue generation. Sales consultant and business speaker Ryan Dohrn travels the globe teaching media sales training classes and offers detailed coaching help to business owners and media companies looking to make money online.
Contact information:
Ryan R. Dohrn
360 Ad Sales Training and Strategy
Brain Swell Media LLC
Follow him on Twitter.com/ryandohrn for daily tips and advice.