Bring in 50 New Advertisers

I am often asked about tools for prospecting.  As you all know, having a process, any process, is better than no process at all.  This 100% applies to prospecting for new advertisers.  To that end, I spend an entire day on location in ad sales training teaching my prospecting idea called the “Big 50 Prospect Plan”.

What is Big 50 and how does it work?  Big 50 means having 50 new clients that you call on in an exaggerated manner for 90 days.  You call 10 potential advertisers per day and you leave a short/brilliant voice mail and follow up with an immediate action oriented short email.  What do those voice mails and emails look like and sound like?  That is an ad sales training class in and of itself.  Suffice it to say… They need to be short, to the point and 100% focused on the person you are calling and their product or service.     For now, start with a total of 50 prospective advertisers or advertisers that have not been active with you in the last 120-250 days.  You work these clients for 90 days and then pass them off to another rep.  Yes, pass them off.  Your hope should be that they will close them if you can not.  They will in turn pass clients to you.  If you can’t get a meeting in 90 days… pass them on.  

There are about 35 factors in how you work this program to success, but this is a great place to start for most.  

All in all, this needs to be a team effort.   

About this blogger:  Ryan Dohrn is an award wining internet consultant <> , international business speaker <>  and is the President and founder of 360 Ad Sales Training, a boutique internet revenue consulting <>  firm with a detailed focus on ad sales training, internet consulting and media revenue generation.    Internet consultant <>  and business speaker <> Ryan Dohrn travels the globe teaching media sales training classes and offers detailed coaching help to business owners and media companies looking to make money online.

Ryan R. Dohrn
360 Ad Sales Training and Strategy
Brain Swell Media LLC

1 (888) 812-9991
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