NOTE: This is a pre-recorded webinar and is available on-demand free to you right now.
Every day our advertisers are screaming they need ROI right now! We all know that marketing is a process. So, how do we sell traditional media to those that want ROI right now? 28-year media sales advisor Ryan Dohrn shares facts, stats and strategies on selling these impatient and often misinformed marketers.
This webinar is free to you because of the fine folks from The Magazine Manager and The Newspaper Manager.
About Ryan Dohrn:
Ryan Dohrn is the founder of media sales training firm Brain Swell Media and the creator of the 360 Ad Sales System taught to over 20,000 ad sales reps in 7 countries. Ryan’s 28-year media sales and marketing career includes leadership roles at PennWell Publishing, Morris Publishing, Disney/ABC TV, Sinclair Broadcasting and The NY Times Company. He is an Emmy Award winner, business book author and has been featured in USA Today and on Forbes.com. Ryan currently works on a monthly basis with over 75 media companies and their related sales and management teams.