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Selling Using Competitive Media

It is a very common practice to look to your competitors for new sales leads.  While I understand this strategy is common, unfortunately, you are often seen as late to the party if you call on them and ask them to run with you as well. For several years I have…

Selling to Jerks

Have you been on a sales call with an ego driven jerk in the last 30 days?  If not, perhaps you need to prospect a little more as you should run across them on a fairly frequent basis.  They know all about marketing.  They think they are a marketing guru.  They feel that they…

10 Reasons To Fall in Love With Your CRM Tool

Every day I hear about sales people refusing to use their Customer Relations Management software for one reason or another.  The most common reasons for resistance are old habits, CRM inadequacies and flat out insubordination.  I am here to tell you that no matter the CRM tool you choose, you…

10 Reasons To Fall in Love With Your CRM Tool

Time and time again I hear about sales people refusing to use their Customer Relations Management software for one reason or another.  The most common reasons for resistance are old habits, CRM inadequacies and flat out insubordination.  I am here to tell you that no matter the CRM tool you…

Why is Accountability A Bad Word?

No matter the size of the media company, one universal truth of sales failure is lack of formal accountability within the sales team.  When I mention the word you can see managers get red and sales people get fire in their eyes.  But why?  When did accountability become such a…

10 Reasons To Practice Your Pitch

I am amazed at the number of veteran ad sales reps that never ever practice their trade in an effort to improve.  Just imagine if Tiger Woods never practiced.