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Getting the Most Out of Younger Sales Reps

You may find it interesting to note that an MIT study on what motivates people concluded that money is not the best motivator.

The 10 Minute Ad Sales Call

If you read my blog often you know that I am really big on having a process for everything.  Why?  First, most sales people thrive when structure is present.  Second, I am a roll with the flow kind of guy and I recognized long ago that randomness kills my ability to be a…

Ad Sales Management, 10 Tips for Success

There are hundreds of factors that contribute to being a great ad sales manager.  There are ten common "traits" I have observed in highly effective ad sales managers.  When I am hosting ad sales management training we spend considerable time looking into each of these "traits" to refine them or find them…

Why Should I Buy An Ad From You?

What makes you different from every other sales person that contacts a potential advertiser today? Again... what makes YOU different? This is a question that you should be asking yourself before each and every interaction with a potential client.

Stop Wasting December, 10 Tips For Fall Sales Success

The late fall, particularly around the holidays, is typically a time of year when most media sales people get lazy.  The reason for this is pretty simple.   Over the course of many years, most sales people have come to the conclusion that no advertising decisions are made in December.  While for the…

Holiday Cards are a Waste of Time and Money

With Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas quickly approaching, you may be planning an appropriate “thank you” for your clients and customers.   Sadly, the hard, cold fact is – if you wait until December to thank your clients, a good competitor has beaten you at least 12 times!