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Ad Sales Training For Success

Proven digital and traditional ad sales training since 2008. Taught by multi-million dollar ad sales training coach Ryan Dohrn.  He still sells advertising EVERY DAY! Ryan's ad sales training has been taught to over 30,000 media sales pros in 7 countries.

Fixing 5 Common Ad Sales Roadblocks!

What are the five most common roadblocks that are stopping you from exceeding your ad sales goals?  All to often, as I teach ad sales training workshops, I observe the most common problem stopping sales people from being a raging success are random patterns passed off as a "sales process". …

6 Simple Things You Must Do to Achieve Your Ad Sales Goals in 2016

Each New Year we set resolutions or goals for the upcoming year. As an ad sales training coach it was interesting to learn that experts tell us that 90% of people set goals on January 1st, yet less than 10% achieve those goals. So, after training over 3,000 ad sales…

Ad Sales Nation Podcast

Ad Sales Nation, Ryan Dohrn Show · Ad Sales Nation, Ryan Dohrn Show, Media Sales Training and Advice -Ad Sales Training Podcast Episode 120: This month, ad sales training coach Ryan Dohrn shares 7 Ways to Re-Ignite Post COVID Sales ConversationsAlso, great advice from David Walsh of WebPublisherPro.com, Charity Huff…

10 Ways To Avoid The Holiday Ad Sales Blues

This time of year things tend to slow down in “Sales Land”. Well, at least that is the thought anyway. I often hear ad sales reps say, “Nothing happens between Dec 21st and Jan 8th.     I feel this is a misguided statement that is used as an excuse…

20 Revenue Ideas in 20 Minutes!

Yes, you read this right.  I was asked to offer 20 revenue ideas in 20 minutes at the Niche Digital Conference in Savannah, GA.  For those of you that know me... I am an ad sales training coach and yes... I do talk fast.  But, not that fast!  So, I…